Middleware Plugin
What's a Middleware Plugin?
Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API (web and cli) layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
interface IPluginMiddleware<T> extends IPlugin<T> {
register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth<T>, storage: IStorageManager<T>): void;
The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via auth
and storage
. app
is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
public register_middlewares(
app: Application,
auth: IBasicAuth<CustomConfig>,
storage: IStorageManager<CustomConfig>
): void {
const router = Router();
(req: Request, res: Response & { report_error?: Function }, next: NextFunction): void => {
const encryptedString = auth.aesEncrypt(Buffer.from(this.foo, 'utf8'));
res.setHeader('X-Verdaccio-Token-Plugin', encryptedString.toString());
app.use('/-/npm/something-new', router);
The auth
and storage
are instances and can be extended, but we don't recommend this approach unless is well founded.
A good example of a middleware plugin is the verdaccio-audit.
Generate a middleware plugin
For detailed info check our plugin generator page. Run the yo
command in your terminal and follow the steps.
➜ yo verdaccio-plugin
Just found a `.yo-rc.json` in a parent directory.
Setting the project root at: /Users/user/verdaccio_yo_generator
_-----_ ╭──────────────────────────╮
| | │ Welcome to │
|--(o)--| │ generator-verdaccio-plug │
`---------´ │ in plugin generator! │
( _´U`_ ) ╰──────────────────────────╯
/___A___\ /
| ~ |
´ ` |° ´ Y `
? What is the name of your plugin? custom-endpoint
? Select Language typescript
? What kind of plugin you want to create? middleware
? Please, describe your plugin awesome middleware plugin
? GitHub username or organization myusername
? Author's Name Juan Picado
? Author's Email jotadeveloper@gmail.com
? Key your keywords (comma to split) verdaccio,plugin,middleware,awesome,verdaccio-plugin
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/package.json
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.gitignore
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.npmignore
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/jest.config.js
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.babelrc
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.travis.yml
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/README.md
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.eslintrc
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.eslintignore
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/src/index.ts
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/index.ts
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/tsconfig.json
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/types/index.ts
create verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint/.editorconfig
I'm all done. Running npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.
⸨ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░⸩ ⠋ fetchMetadata: sill pacote range manifest for @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@^7.7.4 fetc
After the install finish, access to your project scalfold.
➜ cd verdaccio-plugin-auth-service-name
➜ cat package.json
"name": "verdaccio-plugin-custom-endpoint",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "awesome middleware plugin",
The middleware are registrered after built-in endpoints, thus, it is not possible to override the implemented ones.
List Community Middleware Plugins
verdaccio-audit: verdaccio plugin for npm audit cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
verdaccio-profile-api: verdaccio plugin for npm profile cli support and npm profile set password for verdaccio-htpasswd based authentificaton
verdaccio-https Verdaccio middleware plugin to redirect to https if x-forwarded-proto header is set
verdaccio-badges A verdaccio plugin to provide a version badge generator endpoint
verdaccio-openmetrics Verdaccio plugin exposing an OpenMetrics/Prometheus endpoint with health and traffic metrics
verdaccio-sentry sentry loggin errors
verdaccio-pacman Verdaccio Middleware Plugin to manage tags and versions of packages