总条目: 106
Verdaccio Middleware plugin to bypass npmjs audit
Local storage implementation
Verdaccio User Interface
Storage implementation in memory
AWS S3 storage implementation for Verdaccio
Google Cloud storage implementation for Verdaccio
Auth plugin for Verdaccio that keeps users in memory
htpasswd auth plugin for Verdaccio
plugin for filtering packages with security purposes
a port of the verdaccio-ldap to version 5
A plugin to automatically remove packages not used recently
LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio
Verdaccio module to authenticate users via Bitbucket
The middleware overrides v1/search endpoint with a redis search based backend for verdaccio@5 and verdaccio-redis-storage
Verdaccio Auth Plugin with 2FA
Publish packages to git repositories.
LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio
LDAP plugin for Verdaccio with ldapjs
verdaccio middleware plugin to serve svg badges
AWS S3 storage implementation for Verdaccio - fork that adds support for SSE-C, SSE-S3, and AWS:KMS
Verdaccio middleware plugin used to collect prometheus compatible metrics
Verdaccio Github Authentication Plugin
private npm registry (Verdaccio) using gitlab-ce as authentication and authorization provider
Verdaccio Authentication Plugin via Bitbucket Server
An amazing verdaccio plugin
Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
npm profile API implementaion for Verdaccio 2.x
Verdaccio DynamoDB Auth Plugin
A verdaccio plugin for storing data in Minio
A Redis based storage plugin for Verdaccio.
MongoDB Authentication plugin for Verdaccio
a port of the verdaccio-ldap to version 5
verdaccio storage plugin implementation for google cloud
A verdaccio storage proxy to decouple database, search, packument, and tarball accesses.
An amazing verdaccio plugin
Authenticate on verdaccio using kuzzle credentials
Verdaccio plugin to control permission of publish dist-tag
A GitLab OAuth Plugin for Verdaccio
Enhancements to the Verdaccio Google Cloud storage plugin
Storage plugin to host packages PostgreSQL
Local storage implementation
Local package cache as first class citizen.
Aliyun OSS storage implementation for Verdaccio
Verdaccio authentication plugin for OpenID Connect. When installed, `npm login --registry ...` command will open the browser to start login flow.
authentication plugin for verdaccio, supporting github oauth web flow
Verdaccio authentication plugin by gitlab personal access token or oauth token or ci job token.
📦🔐 Verdaccio Auth0 Connect - With UI Support
It's an authentication plugin for Verdaccio private node module registry that checks your Gitea private git server for user authentication.
Invite only authorisation
📦🔐 Verdaccio Google OAuth - With UI Support
📦🔐 Verdaccio Google OAuth
verify authentication to aukilabs npm registry
private npm registry (Verdaccio) using gitlab-ce as authentication and authorization provider
a verdaccio authentication plugin support databases like mysql, postgresql, sqlite3, mssql
verdaccio authentication using the built-in LDAP server on a QNAP NAS machine, via ldapjs - a purejs implementation of LDAP
LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio fixed bcrypt
A GitLab OAuth Plugin for Verdaccio
Custom auth plugin
Verdaccio Plugin to grant access to group names provided in the file
Verdaccio authentication plugin over github personal access tokens
Verdaccio MySQL authentication plugin
An amazing verdaccio plugin
Let your users authenticate into Verdaccio using Azure AD OAuth
OpenID Connect authentication plugin for Verdaccio
An amazing verdaccio auth plugin
A verdaccio plugin that uses level(a LevelDB wrapper) to store and authenticate user credentials
Extended Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
Plugin to simplify group permissions management
A fork from sinopia-request
An amazing verdaccio plugin
Verdaccio SQLite authentication plugin
verdaccio plugin authority
Verdaccio Plugin to allow access/publish npm modules based on a package version
verdaccio auth plugin for user list authentication
authentication plugin for verdaccio, supporting github oauth web flow
A Verdaccio Auth Plugin configured for TeamStack
A Verdaccio Auth Plugin configured for CAPI
Verdaccio Plugins to grant access to group names based on the groups calculated in the authentication
A Verdaccio Auth Plugin configured to use a MongoDB Database
Verdaccio authentication plugin that use CO authentication
Verdaccio plugin for simple ldap auth
Verdaccio authentication plugin with github team access
Verdaccio auth via external api
verdaccio(sinopia) authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
verdaccio authentication plugin that delegates basic authentication to another HTTP URL
verdaccio middleware plugin
sentry loggin errors
sentry loggin errors
Verdaccio plugin exposing an OpenMetrics/Prometheus endpoint with health and traffic metrics
verdaccio middleware plugin to redirect to https
A verdaccio plugin to provide a version badge generator endpoint
📦⚓ URL Plugin for Verdaccio
Quick and dirty plugin for Verdaccio npm registry to use auth tokens, without run the token command
An amazing verdaccio plugin
A Verdaccio middleware plugin that handles Google App Engine /_ah/* requests like /_ah/warmup
📦🔐 Verdaccio OpenID Connect - With UI Support
📦🔐 Verdaccio GitHub OAuth - With UI Support
A small utility for working with Verdaccio hosts.
Builds an archive of your verdaccio instance, then backup it to AWS S3.
Publish Multiple NPM packages from verdaccio storage
* 检查待导入verdaccio/storage目录的各npm包内是否含有.tgz文件。 * 更改verdaccio/storage目录各包内package.json标记的最新版本号。 ``` npm i -g tgz-checker ```
Tracks daily downloads count for packages. Data is stored in a Postgres database.