
Managing multiples projects with Lerna and Yarn Workspaces

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Verdaccio is a project with a big ecosystem, composed by several projects, each one with its own configurations and ways to manage. This fact transforms a simple maintenance operation, like updating a common dependency, into a real hard work.

We saw a problem, these configurations entropy made harder to work with all the projects. So, we needed to simplify and unify them to make it easier. We need a monorepo.

A monorepo is a project configuration to manage a collection of dependencies in a simple and unified way. There are many examples out there that Javascript developer use nowadays, like Babel, Create React App or Material UI.

Now, we are proud to announce our monorepo, our big ecosystem joined in only one repository. This article is the first part of a series of articles where we will try to explain our motivation about to set up by your own, improve the management and workflows (CI, code quality, etc).

Release 4.2.0

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Verdaccio keeps growing, thanks to their users. This release is a minor one we do every month, for further information about our releases, it can be read here.

We have some highlights to share:

  • At this stage, Docker downloads have grown to 5.1 million pulls.
  • New Verdaccio Monorepo development has begun early this month, we are migrating small repositories, plugins and other tools to create a unique ecosystem, feel free to contribute. This first steps are developed by @sergiohgz with the contributions of @griffithtp.
  • We finally migrated all repositories to Typescript, we do not support Flow types anymore.

If you 😍 Verdaccio as we do, helps us to grow more donating to the project via OpenCollective, this project is addressed by voluntaries, help us to be sustainable.

Thanks for support Verdaccio ! 👏👏👏👏.

Release 4.1.0

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Verdaccio keeps growing thanks to their users. This release is a minor one we do every month, for further information about our releases can be read here.

Furthermore, the info about the release is also available at GitHub releases page.

We have some highlights to share:

  • At this stage, Docker downloads have grown to 4.8 million pulls.
  • Angular CLI just started to uses Verdaccio 4 for E2E testing. For further read about this topic, check our docs.
  • This release has been fully developed by contributors, kudos to them.
  • We just reached 7k stars, would you help us to reach 10k? Give us your star ⭐️!
  • We have a new Security Policy Document 🛡, helps us to keep Verdaccio secure for their users.

If you 😍 Verdaccio as we do, helps us to grow more donating to the project via OpenCollective.

Thanks for support Verdaccio ! 👏👏👏👏.